Saturday, November 23, 2013

The "How-To" of Creating Big Art

You can credit Deb with today's post. I've told you how good her work is. Today, she gives you an overview of how Deb Curtin creates her illustrations.  Read on...

There's a first time for everything. What's that you say? I can't do a painting that big! There's only one way to overcome that notion - just do it! You'll be glad (and surprised!) you did.
Start with an unusual 'canvas' - a 4'x4' sheet of 1/4" lauan plywood (subflooring). Give it a nice primer coat of paint.
Stick with exterior house paints - all acrylic and you won't have any problems. My colors of choice are yellow, red, blue, green, black and white. Look at the mistinted paints - something a customer wasn't satisfied with, too, for a good deal. Stick with exterior paint, though.
Copy your planned vision making it at least an 8"x 11" size. Grid it up, do the math and transfer to your 'canvas'.                                    
Begin with layers, mixing colors as you go. Use recyclable foam trays, yogurt containers or what have you. The paint is very forgiving and you can try colors until you have what you're looking for in the image.

Paint what you see in one grid, moving on and blending. Keep looking at only the shapes and forms as you create your masterpiece. If you do it this way you will eventually have a good end product and be happy about what you have achieved. Go for it! And have fun in your success.

                                       COME BACK AND TELL US WHAT YOU'VE DONE!

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